Friday, January 14, 2011

Three Cheers for Constitutional Fundamentalism

The Constitution has largely been forced to take a backseat in America's political discussions for several decades now, but the new Republican controlled Congress has begun to shine more light on this important document.  The New York Times takes umbrage with Speaker Boehner's emphasis on Constitutional permissibility, however. 

Learn why Boehner is right and the New York Times is wrong. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Equality versus Liberty

Modern economics emphasizes equality over liberty, especially in our systems of taxation and welfare, but at what cost?  This topic is especially important in Fairfield County where the governments and citizens of some towns emphasize liberty, and other towns emphasize equality.  But do we individuals really have a right to anything other than political equality, especially if it comes at the cost of other individuals' rights?

Read this article to understand the tension between liberty and equality and why the former is so much more important than the latter.